Tuesday, March 4, 2008

this thing they call blogging...

So I've decided I love blogging!  But I have no time for it!  Have no fear, I plan on continuing my adventures in blogging...especially since I was feeling so guilt ridden for not having written in a while.  I still have a draft about the adventures of wedding dress shopping waiting in the wings for those of you who may be interested. ;)  So, I just wanted to the big void I hope reads this know that I'm not gone forever...just for this week!

Until next time I leave you with this thought.  How do you feel about the word 'hork' in the following context; "Don't just hork it (food) down!!!"  I personally find this word quit funny.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

the "hork" reminds me of a pig. like "honk" or something... :)