Tuesday, April 21, 2009

it begins...

Right now I'm skipping class to sit under a tree on campus in Boulder and decided that I should catch up on blogging.  Campus is busy today, everyone recovered from 4/20 and starting to get nervous about finals.  While last week we were all indoors with a snow storm outside, the snow has melted and made everything green!!!  I've been anxious for summer for weeks now and it's finally starting to appear.  

Yesterday as things were starting to get warmer and I realized that I needed to pull out my chaco flip-flops, I officially decided that Boulder in the summer is one of my favorite things.  If you've never seen it you have to come up.  Everything is so green here and there are millions of trees.  You can just walk anywhere to have a picnic or meet up with friends.  They have drive in movies up here and life just moves to be outdoors.  There is even an upper level lit class sitting around the tree next to me.  

This time of year also seems to the busiest for me.  While this time last year I was finishing up planning for my own wedding (almost been married a year!  Yay!) this year I'm in the middle of finals, going on a quick trip to California this weekend to see my best friend, and gearing up for my beautiful sister Bekah's wedding in a week and half.  But in the business I realize that even in the crazy stressful times my life hasn't gotten busier as much as it's just gotten fuller.  I'm getting a new brother-in-law and Drew and I are really just settling into our lives in Denver.  We love it here.  I've been blessed to now be completely booked with 22 weddings for the year, something i never expected and I am so enjoying all that owning a business means.  I can't wait to take a break from school and completely dedicate myself to my family and photography for the next four months.  It's going to be great.

All that to say two things: first, keep checking in as I'm creating a new blog and the switch is coming soon.  It's still going to be linked off the website but is going to be bigger and better so stay turned!  Second, check out my most recent wedding from about 6 weeks ago in Denver.  Ashley and Wyatt had a nice reception in Cherry Creek to celebrate their marriage and it was really beautiful.  I loved every minute of this wedding and I hope you enjoy it too.

PS - leave comments and let me know what you think!  It will make my day, especially since I'm in the middle of finals!

All images copyright RachaelHopePhotography 2009


Anonymous said...

Wow Rach! Congratulations on being completely book already! That's so fantastic! Your pictures are great! I love the ring shots! The pinky promise and the reflections... so great!
The bride and groom look so happy together, and I'm so happy for them! You really captured the two of them together so well!

I love it all!

Hannah said...

again, what is up with all these splendid rings???
lovely shots :)