Wednesday, April 1, 2009

another sneak peek...

As I'm editing, I just can't help myself to share another sneak peek.  A full blog of this great Denver wedding will come next week sometime, but for now...I'm just really excited how these are turing out so far!

Also, I totally re-did our living room last week over Spring of that to come soon too so stay tuned!

Finally, please leave comments!  Comments totally rule and always make my day when I log on and get to read your thoughts!  Please let me know what you think!

All images copyright RachaelHopePhotography 2009


Hannah said...

LOVE the ring shot and LOVE the ring! :)

Sara Joy Martin said...

Love your pictures! Hope you and Drew are doing well!!! only a month until Bekah's big day...coming fast. love you're doing a great job with your pictures!